Term insurance plans are pure insurance policies designed to protect your family financially. The coverage offered by term plans can help your loved ones deal with different financial expenditures like loans, educational expenses, early retirement, etc., when you’re not around anymore. However, the coverage your family would get will entirely depend on the coverage you choose. Therefore, it is crucial that you carefully select the coverage for your term policy.
While you may have chosen the correct coverage for your policy, it may seem inadequate as you may grow through life. If you’re looking to improve your plan’s coverage, you can follow a few simple steps.
3 Methods to Strengthen Your Term Insurance Coverage
Here are a few ways to strengthen your term insurance coverage:
- Include the correct riders: Riders are additions you can include in the term insurance plan. With riders, you get better insurance coverage for specific situations. Several riders available in the market will offer you the coverage you need for specific situations.
For instance, with a critical illness rider, you will get insurance coverage if you are diagnosed with a critical illness. This way, you can adjust your term insurance plan in India coverage based on your needs and requirements. However, it is important that you only select the riders you need, as including riders lead to a rise in your term insurance premium amount.
- Select the increasing cover option: With an increasing term policy cover, you get to increase your term life insurance coverage annually. The coverage offered by the plan automatically grows annually. You will not have to submit any form of request or undergo a medical examination to avail of this facility.
The policy will systematically increase the sum assured amount without needing anything from you. With the ability to increase your coverage, you can be at peace knowing that your loved ones will get adequate coverage during emergencies. Along with this, you won’t have to worry about paying high premiums or a policy rejection.
- Select a term plan with life-stage benefit: Insurers like Tata AIA offer certain features like the ‘life-stage benefit’ with the Tata AIA term plan. The life stage increment option includes adaptability to your insurance policy, which will help you improve the plan’s coverage as you move from one stage of life to another.
For instance, you may wish to improve the plan’s coverage when you get married or become a father. In addition, the life-stage benefit option in term plans will help you improve the coverage offered to ensure your loved ones get the financial assistance they need.
What Should be the Coverage for Your Term Plan?
The term insurance coverage you select is the amount of coverage you or your loved ones will get during emergencies. Here are certain things to consider while selecting the coverage for your term policy:
- Your family’s future: The term insurance coverage offered by your term policy will help your loved ones get the financial support they need during emergencies. Therefore, you must keep in mind your family’s requirements for financial stability. This will include day-to-day expenses, educational expenses, your spouse’s retirement etc.
- Your outstanding debts and liabilities: If you pass away, your debts and liabilities will be transferred to your loved ones. Therefore, you must include the total amount needed for clearing these debts in your insurance coverage to ensure your family’s financial stability is not affected.
Choosing the coverage for your term plan may also directly impact your premium amount. To help customers, insurers like Tata AIA offer term insurance calculators to help customers calculate the Tata AIA term plan premiums. Using the calculator will help you plan your finances and select suitable coverage.
While you may have selected a term policy for your loved ones, it may seem inadequate as you keep growing through life. Therefore, you can rely on certain tips and tricks to enhance your term plan coverage. When you have suitable term policy coverage for your loved ones, you will no longer have to worry about their financial future.