A number of years ago, robots were a mostly popular in the big manufacturing industries especially the automobile and marine industries. Back then, the most common automation devices were the traditional industrial robots and the use of IT. Today, industrial robotic arms and automation are taking over many of the production processes in many industries.
Some of the industriesthat use industrial robot arms are the tourism and travel industries, the agriculture and food industries, the healthcare industry and many others. Many of the older industries that have always relied on robotics for their production applications have stepped up their applications by going with the trending new look robots. An industrial robotic arm is easier to monitor, and can take up several tasks without the need of having several robots do the work. They make work easier and faster and occupy less space.
Majority of the industrial robot arms are also affordable and people with medium to small businesses can easily afford to include them for their processes. One of the biggest worries is that they have taken over the work done by humans. Is this true? Let us look at a few industries that have had the largest benefits from using industrial robotic arms.
Food and agriculture
Though the food and agriculture industry are late comers in the adoption of robotic arms, they are evolving much faster than many other industries. Farmers are now using robotic arms for many actions such as soil processing, choosing and sorting seedlings, weeding, harvesting, separating, packing and loading their produce. Robotic arms also help with milking and other farm activities.
The food industry too is moving forward and with the rising cost of labour, robotic arms can now take care of processes like mixing, cooking, adding toppings, serving, and deliveries. The use of robotic arms has helped the industry to cope with the high demands for food supplies and cut down on many costs.
Health sector
If there is an industry that has taken robotic arms to a completely new level, then it is the health industry. Hospitals today are using robotic arms ti help surgeons with the most delicate surgeries. This is because the robotic arms are not only precise but they help to reduce damage to the skin surrounding the place of surgery. Some of the delicate procedures are eye surgeries, heart surgeries, kneecap replacements and many others.
Automotive industry
The automotive industry is one of the oldest industries to adopt the use of robots. Robots come in handy as they do majority of the assembly work in automotive manufacturing plants. They also do the paintwork, welding, pick and place and the assembling of the finished products. They also help to curb labour shortages that almost every industry goes through. Today, not a single automotive company does its processes without the help of industrial robotic arms.
The Military
When you hear of drones the first thing that comes into mind is the military. Alongside the drones and other forms of automation the military today also uses robotic arms for various actions such as diffusing bombs, checking out for explosives and gathering evidence and information from places that are too dangerous to go.
Mining industry
For the longest time, the mining industry has depended on human capital for its survival. Things have however changed todayand the industry uses technology in the form of robots to delve deep into the mines. The robots compile information from the mines interior and this helps in providing the miners with a safer working environment. The robotic arms also help in digging and drilling processes especially in conditions that are too risky for humans.
Wrapping it up
The above are some of the many industries that use robots for better manufacturing and service delivery processes. Irrespective of size or type, any industry can benefit from using robotic arms.Today’s robots are tailor made to work well alongside humans, take up their most risky tasks ad free them up to work on other activities that will help their companies.