Slip and fall accidents can have healthy young individuals experiencing minor injuries from which they may recover quickly. But, seniors have a high risk of sustaining serious injuries or even death because of a slip and fall accident. Many elderly fall victims require hospitalization or extensive treatment.
Typically, nursing home populations are composed of aging adults who have limited independence because of increased frailty and immobility. Those who are in nursing homes are at the highest risk of serious injuries in a slip and fall accident. Seniors who are injured may experience difficulties and complications throughout recovery. If a resident at a nursing home suffers a slip and fall, the facility may be liable for any resulting injuries. And loved ones of a resident can seek help from Powers Santola, LLP to ensure they get the compensation their senior loved ones deserve.
Common Injuries Sustained by Seniors in Slips and Falls
The severity of a person’s injuries depends on where the accident took place and the seriousness of the fall. These injuries may include the following:
- Traumatic brain injury. Most traumatic brain injuries in seniors can be attributed to accidents that involve falls. However, seniors who suffer from these injuries often don’t heal as quickly or as efficiently as younger people who have the same injuries.
- Fractures. Because of normal deterioration associated with aging, elderly individuals sustain bone fractures more easily than others. A senior who has hip fractures may require several surgical procedures and long-term hospitalization.
- Lacerations. Because seniors have fragile skin, they have an increased risk of tearing in an accident. Also, as they find it hard to maintain balance, it can be hard for them to avoid landing a fall on a sharp object.
- Death. Because of increased frailty in seniors, slip and fall accidents may result in death.
How Nursing Homes Liable for the Slip and Fall Injuries of their Residents
Nursing homes have a duty to care for their residents and keep them safe during their stays. If they fail to offer residents the required standard of care such as ensuring a safe living environment for everyone there, assisting residents to help them avoid fall risks, and offering immediate medical care to those who suffer a fall, they may be liable. Sometimes, entities outside the facility may also bear liability for the fall of a patient. For instance, a doctor who ignores the fall risk of a patient may increase the latter’s risk of experiencing a fall and risk an accident. If a nursing home uses a third-party care provider as staff, this provider may be liable if they fail to offer adequate care.